Welcome to the official Cobalt SDK Documentation. This resource serves as a comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of Cobalt’s SDKs for seamless integration and native experiences within your applications. Our SDKs are tailored to various programming languages, offering you a versatile toolkit to create dynamic interactions, manage authentication, interaction with third-party applications, handle end user configure , and elevate user experiences.

Within this documentation, you’ll find each object and method provided by Cobalt’s SDKs. Cobalt offers native SDKs for both client and server side implementation.

Client Side

For applications requiring immersive front-end interactions, we offer two paths. Our React SDK comes bundled with a pre-built UI, ideal for quick integration. Alternatively, our JavaScript SDK provides you the freedom to design a tailored user experience.

Server Side

This is the most preferred method giving you more control over the experience. This also gives you the freedom to design a tailored user experience

Node JS (Preferred)

Server side implementation for better error handling and mre control