API Proxies allows your organization to integrate your services better with the workflows in Cobalt. These help you to setup your own APIs to be used in workflows which can be used to fetch data to your system.

You can learn in detail about API Proxies in our guide here.

Create API Proxy

Follow these steps to create an API Proxy:


Create Action

Navigate to Developer in Cobalt > API Proxies > Click on the New Action button > provide a Name and Description for the API Proxy > Click on the Create Action button.


Configure the Fields

Click on the Fields tab > Click Edit > And add Custom fields for your action.


Configure the API Call

Click on the API Call tab > Click Edit > Configure the API call to be executed upon triggering the action by defining HTTP Method, Path Params etc.

These API Proxies can now be added as a node in the workflow and you can send any data that you want through it.


Congratulations!! You have created an API Proxy successfully which can be used to read data from the workflows and use it.