A user form is an essential part of using the Human Task feature in the workflows.

Learn more about Human Task here.

Create User Forms

To create a form, navigate to User Forms under Advanced section in side menu in the Cobalt dashboard.

Follow these steps to create the form:


Add a form

Click on +Add New Form button and provide a Name and Description.


Add Input Fields of the form

From the Input Fields, click on a type of field to add it to the form.

Currently forms support 5 types of input: Text, Number, Date, Dropdown and Radio.


Modify field details

Once the fields are added, click on the pencil icon beside the field to edit its details.

A field marked as Required enforces form to be submitted only when that field is in payload.


Form is ready

You can now use the form in the Human Task node for user input.

You can create multiple forms in Cobalt and use them in workflows as per your requirement.