Linked account: Your end-customer is called a linked account. You can check the list of added linked accounts on Cobalt’s dashboard

Linked account id: Each linked account has its own unique id that needs to be passed in the backend SDK

session_token: Session token a temporary token that is used to initialize the frontend SDK. Session token is generated from getTokenForLinkedAccount() function of the backend SDK

Events: Events happen on your platform and you trigger the Cobalt’s events API with a pre-defined payload. You can create and update the events on Cobalt’s dashboard.

Actions: Actions are your API end points on which Cobalt will send the data back. You can define the authorization method, list of parameters that your API will expect etc. on Cobalt’s dashboard

auth_credentials: While creating a linked account using the createLinkedAccount() function, you can also pass auth_credentials of your end-customer. This will be later used while setting up ‘Actions’ and sending authorized requests on your end-points.

App: An app represents a third-party data source that you can connect a customer to so that you can access the data in the respective application on behalf of the customer.