Cobalt provides complete transparency of what goes under the hood with its logs feature. User has access to logs specific to a particular event, a worflow or a subscribed webhook data been pushed towards the user.

Event Logs

These logs provides details regrading an event that was fired by a user or any application. It provides details such as associated worflows, Date & time when this event was fired, accociated application, associated linked accounts, Cobalt environment and the event payload data.

Worflow Logs

Worflow logs provides detailed insight of its execution in a sequentials manner, right from when it was triggered to when the execution ended and everthing in between. A worflow is comprised of various nodes, and a worflow logs gives provides description about their successful or errored execution and details regarding it.

Cobalt has an auto retry mechanism for any worflow execution. This means, each worflow is executed at least 2 times incase it faces any error. If these errors are network or authentication related, and are resolved while being retried, they are successfully executed. If not, Cobalt provides a manual retry option. This gives user the power the flexibility to fix the related issue and execute the worflow from the platform itself.

Webhook Logs

Cobalt lets users to subscribe to webhook events allowing them to receive notifications and associated data when such an event occurs in Cobalt. Webhook logs gives the insights regarding these webhook calls being made to the user.

Schedule Logs

Got it. I’ll draft the content based on the provided information.

Schedule Logs in Cobalt Schedule Logs provide users with visibility into scheduled workflows and their associated details, facilitating efficient management and monitoring of automated processes. These logs offer insights into which workflows are scheduled, their configurations and status.