To setup your Facebook Ads app in Cobalt for OAuth, you will need the following credentials from your Facebook Developer App Settings:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Scopes


  1. Facebook Developer Portal. You can create one here.

Required Settings

  • Mandatory Scopes
  1. Ads_management
  2. email
  3. pages_show_list
  4. pages_manage_ads
  5. pages_manage_metadata
  6. leads_retrieval
If you haven’t already created an app in Facebook, you’d need to create one.

Creating an app in Facebook

To create a Facebook Ads app and aquire the above mentioned credentials, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Log in to your Facebook Developer Portal.
  2. Select the Apps tab in the top nav bar and click on the Create App button.
Navigation for App setup
  1. Select Other for use-case > Click Next > Select Business as App-type and click on Next.
    App Type cannot be changed after the app has been created.
  2. Enter the App Name for your application and click on Create App.
  3. Go to your Apps catalog in Cobalt > Search for Facebook Ads > Settings > Use your credentials > Callback Url > Copy it.
  4. Click on Add Product in the left menu > Click on Set Up under Facebook Login for Business > Paste the Callback Url under Valid OAuth Redirect URIs and click on Save changes.
Setting up Facebook Ads Developer app
  1. Go to Basic under the App Settings section in the left menu and copy the App ID(Client ID) and App Secret(Client Secret).
Getting Credentials

Configuring credentials in Cobalt

App settings page lets you configure the authentication settings for an OAuth 2.0 based application. For your customers to provide you authorization to access their data, they would first need to install your application. This page lets you set up your application credentials.

Setting up application client credentials

Cobalt lets you use pre-configured applications to play around. You can do so by selecting Use our credentials. However, if you wish to use your own application, select Use your own credentials. Provide the aquired Client Id and Client secret and save it.

Facebook Ads Single Webhook URL

If you wish to create an orchestration where a workflow is being triggered when some operation occurs in Facebook Ads, you’d need to subscribe to Facebook Ads’ Webhook. Cobalt provides a single webhook URL to manage such event triggers for all your customers.

To setup Facebook Ads webhook subscription:

  1. Select Facebook Ads from the application list in Cobalt, and select Settings.
  2. Copy the Single Webhook Url.
  3. Go to OAuth app of Facebook Ads > Click on Add Product in the left menu > Click on Set Up under Webhooks.
  4. Select Page object from drop-down and click Subscribe to this object. Paste the Single Webhook URL under Callback URL and the Verify token as cobalt_verify_token. Click on Verify and save.

Ensure that the verify token entered is cobalt_verify_token. No other value will be able to verify the Webhook.

  1. Subscribe to the Leadgen event if not already subscribed.
Setting up Facebook Ads Webhook URL

Test the Webhooks

Webhooks can be only tested while the App Mode is Live.

  • Toggle on the App Mode from Development to Live. You can test the Lead Ads Webhook at the Facebook Ads testing tool here.

App Review for Facebook Ads

If the app will only be used by app users who have a role on the app itself, App Review is not required but if the app will be used by anyone without a Role on the app or a role in a Business that has claimed the app, it must first undergo App Review by Meta.

Follow the detailed steps for an App Review submission given in the guide here.

Once approved, you can change the Mode of the app to Live by using the Toggle given in top Nav bar of the OAuth app.

Actions and triggers

Once the above setup is completed, you can create orchestrations of your use-cases using Facebook Ads actions and triggers. Following are the set of Facebook Ads actions and triggers supported by Cobalt.