Cobalt offers both Key Based and OAuth 2.0 integration for Front. In this guide, we will look at the OAuth App setup process.

To setup your Front app in Cobalt for OAuth, you will need the following credentials from your Front Developer account:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • App Secret


  1. Front account. You can create one here.
If you haven’t already created an app in Front, you’d need to create one.

Creating an app in Front

To create a Front app and aquire the above mentioned credentials, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Log in to your Front Developer account.
  2. Click on the Settings icon in the top right and select Developers from the side menu.
Navigation for App setup
  1. Click on Create App button > enter the App Name and Short Description and click on Create.
  2. Go to your Apps catalog in Cobalt > Search for Front > Settings > Use your credentials > Callback Url > Copy it.
  3. Go to OAuth tab in your app > click on Add Redirect URL > Paste the Callback Url and click on Save.
  4. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the App Credentials section in OAuth tab.
Getting Credentials
  1. Navigate to Basic information tab in the app > Scroll down and copy the App secret present.
Getting App Secret

Configuring credentials in Cobalt

App settings page lets you configure the authentication settings for an OAuth 2.0 based application. For your customers to provide you authorization to access their data, they would first need to install your application. This page lets you set up your application credentials.

Setting up application client credentials

Cobalt lets you use pre-configured applications to play around. You can do so by selecting Use our credentials. However, if you wish to use your own application, select Use your own credentials. Provide the aquired Client Id, Client secret and App secret and save it.

Front Single Webhook URL

If you wish to create an orchestration where a workflow is being triggered when some operation occurs in Front, you’d need to subscribe to Front’s Webhook. Cobalt provides a single webhook URL to manage such event triggers for all your customers.

To setup Front webhook subscription:

  1. Select Front from the application list in Cobalt, and select Settings.
  2. Provide the Client ID, Client Secret and App Secret > Copy the Single Webhook Url and click on Save.

Front Webhooks required App secret for verification and registration of Webhooks.

  1. Select your OAuth app > Go to Features tab > Select Webhook in your Front Developer Dashboard > Click on Create Webhook.
  2. Paste the Single Webhook Url inside the Webhook URL section, select the relevant events in Subscribed events dropdown and click on Create.
Setting up Front Single Webhook URL

Making Front App Public

To make the Front app available to all the users outside your organization, the app needs to go through a review process.

To submit your app for review, fill out the form provided by Front here.

To learn more about the App Review process, refer here.

Actions and triggers

Once the above setup is completed, you can create orchestrations of your use-cases using Front actions and triggers. Following are the set of Front actions and triggers supported by Cobalt.