
  1. Slack Developer Account.
  2. Required Settings for the App. You can find it in Overview.

Creating an app in Slack

To create a Slack app and aquire the app credentials, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Log in to your Slack App Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Create New App button in the upper right side and select From scratch option.
  1. Enter the App name and select a workspace from the dropdown to develop your app in and click on the Create App button.
  2. Copy the Callback URL as provided in your Slack settings page in Cobalt. Go to your Apps catalog > Search for Slack > Settings > Use your credentials > Callback Url.
  3. Navigate to Features > OAuth & Permissions and scroll down to Redirect URLs section in the Settings of the App. Click on Add New Redirect URL > Paste the Callback URL > Click on Add > Click on the Save URLs button.
  4. Scroll down in the same page to Scopes section, select the mandatory scopes as provided in your Cobalt Slack settings page by clicking on Add an OAuth Scope button and selecting the scope required.
  1. Click on the Basic Information under Settings in the left menu , scroll down to App Credentials section and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

Configuring credentials in Cobalt

App settings page lets you configure the authentication settings for an OAuth2 based application. For your customers to provide you authorization to access their data, they would first need to install your application. This page lets you set up your application credentials.

Cobalt lets you use pre-configured applications to play around. You can do so by selecting Use our credentials. However, if you wish to use your own application, select Use your own credentials. Provide the aquired Client Id and Client Secret and save it.

Configuring Scopes

Cobalt lets you configure what permissions to ask from your users while they install your application. The scopes can be added or removed from the App settings page, under Permissions & Scopes section.

For some applications Cobalt sets mandatory scopes which cannot be removed. Additional scopes can be selected from the drop down. Cobalt also has the provision to add any custom scopes supported by the respective platform.

Once the scopes has been added to the application in Cobalt, go to your Slack App Dashboard and update the scopes as added on Cobalt.

Navigate to Your Apps > Select the OAuth App created for Cobalt > Click on OAuth & Permissions under Features in the left menu > Scroll down to the Scopes section > Add the scopes as added in Cobalt by clicking Add an OAuth Scope and select the scope.

If you are facing scopes missing or invalid scope error. Make sure you are not passing any custom scope not supported by the platform. And, the scopes selected here are identical to the ones selected in the platform.

Slack single webhook URL

If you wish to create an orchestration where a workflow is being triggered when some operation occurs in Slack, you’d need to subscribe to Slack’s Webhook. Cobalt provides a single webhook URL to manage such event triggers for all your customers.

To setup Slack webhook subscription:

  1. Select Slack from the application list in Cobalt, and select Settings.

  2. Copy the Single Webhook Url

  3. In your Slack App Dashboard, select the OAuth App created for Cobalt > Select Event Subscriptions under Features > Turn the toggle On for Enable Events.

  4. Paste the Webhook URL under Request URL. Cobalt will automatically respond to Slack’s challenge request and begin listening to events on behalf of your app.

  5. Click on Save Changes at the bottom of the Slack App dashboard.