The Cobalt Connect Portal is a key component that enables developers to customize and control the integration experience for end users connecting their third-party app accounts to your application.

To access the Connect Portal Editor, navigate to the Integration Overview page and click on “Configure Connect Portal.” This opens the Connect Portal interface where you can make various customizations.

In the Connect Portal Editor, developers have the following options for customization:

Application Overview: Customize the name and description of the application to provide clear information to end users. End User Configuration: Select and make fields available for end users to set their own values during the integration process, allowing for personalized configurations.

Flow Management: Enable or disable specific flows to control the activity and behavior of end users once authentication is completed.

Please note that the portal displayed in the editor serves as a preview. To fully integrate the Connect Portal into your application, you can utilize our provided SDKs. This guide will walk you through the process of configuring the Connect Portal and managing the data required from end users. If your integration does not require any user data, you may proceed to the next steps accordingly.