Integration Logs in Cobalt allow you to monitor and troubleshoot the authentication and connectivity status of an integration for a linked account.

Accessing Integration Logs

To check the Integration Logs for a Linked Account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Linked Account for which you want to review the logs.

  2. Under Integrations in Overview, click on the three-dot menu of any integration connected by the Linked Account and select Logs.

Navigation for Linked Account Integration Logs

This will display logs in chronological order of all auth events associated with the integration.

Log Entries

The logs show various events related to authentication of an integration of a particular Linked Account. It consists of the event name alongwith the date and timestamp when event occured.

The logs include the following events:

  • Integration Created: This entry is logged when the Linked Account successfully connects to the integration.

  • Integration Deleted: This entry appears when the Linked Account disconnects from the integration.

  • Integration Expired: This indicates that the API key or Access token for the integration has expired, potentially disrupting the workflow.

  • Reauthenticated: This is logged when the Linked Account reconnects with the integration after providing the new API key or generating a new access token when the previous credentials expired, ensuring continued functionality.

Different Logs entries