UDF (User Defined Field) parameters in Cobalt offer a flexible mechanism for users to assign custom key-value pairs to Linked Accounts, allowing for enhanced control and customization within workflows. These parameters enable users to tailor workflows and configurations based on specific criteria defined by the UDF values. With the ability to create multiple UDF parameters for a single Linked Account, users gain granular control over workflow access and customization.

Creating UDF Parameters

To create a UDF parameter for a Linked Account, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Linked Accounts in Cobalt and choose the Linked Account for which UDF needs to be added.
  • Click on the Update UDF button in the right side.
  • Specify the name of the UDF parameter and its corresponding value, click on + and click on the Save button.
Create a UDF Parameter
  • The UDF Parameter is added to the Linked account.

This intuitive process allows users to define custom attributes for Linked Accounts.

Workflow Access Control

UDF parameters play a crucial role in workflow access control within the Cobalt platform. Users can leverage UDF parameters to filter configurations for Linked Accounts, thereby controlling access to specific workflows based on predefined criteria.

In the Config Portal of a Workflow, users have the option to define Access conditions, such as Match all conditions or Match any condition. Users can then specify the name of the UDF parameter and its corresponding value that should be allowed to access the Workflow.

Config Portal in a Workflow

Example Use Case

Let’s consider a scenario where the user requires that only few users with the Admin rights can Reply in a Thread in Slack. To manage access to this workflow within Cobalt, the company can utilize UDF parameters.

By assigning a UDF parameter named Role with values such as Administrator, Member and Guest to Linked Accounts, the company can filter configurations in workflows based on the role of each Linked Account.

To use the UDF parameter in the workflow, the user will follow these steps:

  • User will create UDF parameter named Role in the Linked accounts and assign them values.

  • Navigate to Apps > Search for Slack > Workflows > Create a new workflow or Choose an existing one > Click on Config Portal in the top right corner.

    Learn how to create a workflow here.

  • Go to Access > Select Match All Conditions > Enter Name as Role and Value as Administrator > Click on + > Click on Save.

Example of using UDF Parameter

This workflow will now not be visible to the Linked Accounts who do not have the Role as Administrator.

UDF parameters in Cobalt empower users to customize workflows, control access, and tailor configurations based on specific criteria defined by custom key-value pairs. By leveraging UDF parameters effectively, users can optimize workflow management and ensure efficient integration with their business processes.