Webhook logs allows users to monitor the execution of webhooks subscribed to in Cobalt. With comprehensive logging capabilities, users can gain insights into webhook events, track execution status, and review request/response data for effective integration management.

To access the Webhook Logs, navigate to the Logs section in Cobalt and select the Webhooks tab.

Webhook Logs Cobalt

Key Functionalities

Webhook Logs is able to provide various details about the webhook that was triggered, like the basic information about event triggered, associated Linked Account or even filter out the Webhook logs based on various criterias.

To learn more about Webhooks in Cobalt and how they can be subscribed, refer to our guide here.

Some of the key functionalities of Webhook logs are described in details below:

Advanced Filtering Options

Similar to workflow logs, Webhook logs offer advanced filtering options, allowing users to refine their search based on criteria such as Status which can either be Success or Errored, Linked Account ID and Triggered Date. This flexibility enables users to quickly locate and analyze specific webhook events.

Filter Logs in Cobalt

Detailed Execution Details

To view information in detail about a Webhook log, just click on it and a new page with the details will be launched.

Webhook logs provide detailed information about each webhook event, including its Execution status, Linked Account ID, timestamp, environment, and fired date. Users can review this information to track the flow of webhook events and identify any issues or anomalies.

Details of a Webhook in Cobalt

Request and Response Data

For each webhook event, users can view the associated request and response data, providing insights into the interaction between Cobalt and external systems. This information is useful for debugging integration issues and ensuring the reliability of webhook executions.

Supported Webhook Events

Cobalt supports five main webhook events, including:

  • Connection Created
  • Connection Deleted
  • Connection Expired
  • Workflow Completed
  • Workflow Errored

Learn in detail about the 5 Webhook Event types here.

These events correspond to key actions and milestones in the integration lifecycle, allowing users to stay informed about changes and updates in their integrations.

Users can navigate through webhook logs directly within the Cobalt dashboard, leveraging advanced filtering options to narrow down their search and focus on specific webhook events. By analyzing execution details and reviewing request/response data, users can ensure the smooth operation of their integrations and address any issues promptly.