Workflow actions helps you to create complex orchestrations. You can drag and drop them on the workflow canvas as nodes of a workflow, inter-connect and configure them to achieve required flow. These actions can be broadly categorized as:

  • Cobalt’s native actions
  • Cobalt’s custom actions
  • Third party application actions

Cobalt’s native actions

These actions do not make any api calls themselves but help as utility tools for making deeper orchestrations.


You can add conditional logic to workflows using our rule node. Rule node allows you to define rules to determine which of two paths your workflow should execute.

To learn more about the Rule Node, refer to the guide here.


You can add delay to your workflow using our delay node. Delay allows you to pause the execution of next step till a certain time.

To learn more about the Delay Node, refer to the guide here.


The Merge Node in Cobalt offers essential functionality for merging multiple branches of a workflow into a single flow. This is especially useful for converging parallel processes within a workflow at a common point before continuing with subsequent actions.

To learn more about the Merge Node, refer to the guide here.

Custom Code

This action takes takes in parameters and use them to manipulate the data using custom code in any preferred language. Response from this node can be accessed by entering a # and then selecting the Custom Code node that has been added to the workflow, followed by function_return_value.result.<property name>}}. Or {{node.<node number>.response:function_return_value.result.<property name>}}

To learn more about the Custom Code Node, refer to the guide here.


This action is used to loop over an entity or a flow for a fixed number of iterations or over an array input.

To learn more about the Group Node, refer to the guide here.


Datastore node helps you create variables at runtime and add values to them. These variables can be then accessed across the workflow like any other variables by entering $.

To learn more about the DataStore Node, refer to the guide here.


HTTP Node allows you to create an HTTP Request to any API of the integration for which the workflow is being created.

To learn more about the HTTP Node, refer to the guide here.


Cobalt offers its users to subscibe to its Webhooks and notify them when any of the subscribed events gets fired. Response node lets you notify you about those events and define the data that needs to be sent to you along with the notification.

To learn more about the Response Node, refer to the guide here.


This node lets you transform complex JSON into an easily accessible format.

To learn more about the Transform Node, refer to the guide here.

Cobalt’s custom actions

You can create custom actions or API Proxies of your organization for your customers to use in the developer settings. Those actions can be accessed using this node.

API Proxies in Cobalt

Third party application actions

Cobalt supports 100+ third party applications on its platform. Users can connect to these applications through Cobalt to make use of their APIs. When you select an application from the Apps list to create a workflow, you can find it in the right panel along with the other actions. Drag and drop it on the workflow canvas to make use of the the application’s APIs supported by Cobalt.

HTTP Request

Users can also make any custom api call to the selected application that is not available with Cobalt using the HTTP request.

Configuring URL Request

You can enter the request URL in the input under “Request URL”. You can also include parameters as part of the URL by typing double curly brackets {{ to invoke the variable menu. The variable menu allows you to reference data from upstream steps in your request URL.

Sending Data in Request

You can easily send JSON in a request by choosing Raw in the dropdown to the right of Body. When creating the raw JSON body, you can type in static values or reference variables from upstream steps by typing $ or #