Field Types
Dependent Dataslot
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Field Types
Dependent Dataslot
Dependency of config dataslot is an advanced feature for certain fields that require dependency on previous config dataslot.
For eg. in Google Sheets, to load the list of headers inside a worksheet, the user has to first select a worksheet. Furthermore, to select a worksheet, the user has to select a sheet. There are three config dataslots
- Select a sheet
- Select a worksheet
- Select headers
Let’s look at the example below:
In case of dependent dataslots, the list of options will only load when the value inside the parent dataslot is set. Let’s look at the example of Google Sheets, where value is not set for any of the three dataslots:
/* The options appear only in the first
config id because its value is not yet set and
other config dataslots are dependent on this.
"application_data_slots": [
"required": false,
"id": "646333dbc7f3ab6e2bf4ed12",
"name": "Select a Sheet",
"has_dynamic_map_fields": false,
"field_type": "select",
"options": [
"name": "List of users",
"value": "11Sei6p5yHQmjyfHXeSXxpnIJRSSyM774X82-mOTJNe4"
"name": "List of Employees",
"value": "1eQWXziv-RbBye9OuyoQbGzZ3wHMcNedZ3x759O2EeZo"
"name": "List of Contacts",
"value": "1QVYAqowEnOgwxDzJ_AeODbmkdVAcL2ZW6LlRTZoMxVo"
"dynamic_slot_identifier": "dynamic:google_sheets:1",
"labels": []
"required": false,
"id": "646333e5c7f3ab6e2bf4ed22",
"name": "Select a Worksheet",
"has_dynamic_map_fields": false,
"field_type": "select",
"parent": "646333dbc7f3ab6e2bf4ed12",
"dynamic_slot_identifier": "dynamic:google_sheets:2",
"labels": []
"required": false,
"id": "646333f4c7f3ab6e2bf4ed4e",
"name": "Select Headers",
"has_dynamic_map_fields": false,
"field_type": "map",
"parent": "646333e5c7f3ab6e2bf4ed22",
"dynamic_slot_identifier": "dynamic:google_sheets:3",
"labels": [
"name": "Header 1",
"value": "6463340bc7f3ab6e2bf4edca"
"name": "Header 2",
"value": "6463340bc7f3ab6e2bf4edcb"
"name": "Header 3",
"value": "6463340bc7f3ab6e2bf4edcc"
"workflows": [],
"config_id": "1234"
Once the values of Sheet and Worksheet config dataslots are set, all the options will come in the response:
"application_data_slots": [
"required": false,
"id": "646333dbc7f3ab6e2bf4ed12",
"name": "Select a Sheet",
"has_dynamic_map_fields": false,
"field_type": "select",
"options": [
"name": "List of users",
"value": "11Sei6p5yHQmjyfHXeSXxpnIJRSSyM774X82-mOTJNe4"
"name": "List of Employees",
"value": "1eQWXziv-RbBye9OuyoQbGzZ3wHMcNedZ3x759O2EeZo"
"name": "List of Contacts",
"value": "1QVYAqowEnOgwxDzJ_AeODbmkdVAcL2ZW6LlRTZoMxVo"
"dynamic_slot_identifier": "dynamic:google_sheets:1",
"labels": [],
"value": "1QVYAqowEnOgwxDzJ_AeODbmkdVAcL2ZW6LlRTZoMxVo"
// Value is set to "List of Contacts"
"required": false,
"id": "646333e5c7f3ab6e2bf4ed22",
"name": "Select a Worksheet",
"has_dynamic_map_fields": false,
"field_type": "select",
"options": [
"name": "US",
"value": 0
"name": "UK",
"value": 235386608
"name": "Europe",
"value": 644453895
"parent": "646333dbc7f3ab6e2bf4ed12",
"dynamic_slot_identifier": "dynamic:google_sheets:2",
"labels": [],
"value": 0
// Value is set to "US" worksheet
"required": false,
"id": "646333f4c7f3ab6e2bf4ed4e",
"name": "Select Headers",
"has_dynamic_map_fields": false,
"field_type": "map",
"options": [
"name": "Name",
"value": "A"
"name": "Email",
"value": "B"
"name": "Phone",
"value": "C"
"parent": "646333e5c7f3ab6e2bf4ed22",
"dynamic_slot_identifier": "dynamic:google_sheets:3",
"labels": [
"name": "Header 1",
"value": "6463340bc7f3ab6e2bf4edca"
"name": "Header 2",
"value": "6463340bc7f3ab6e2bf4edcb"
"name": "Header 3",
"value": "6463340bc7f3ab6e2bf4edcc"
"workflows": [],
"config_id": "1234"