It allows you to:

  • Execute multiple test cases for a workflow by modifying the input payload.

  • Test and inspect the output values of each workflow node.

  • Use the Run Node button at the bottom of each step to execute it for the authenticated Linked Account.

Pre-requisites for Workflow Testing

Before testing a workflow, ensure the following steps are completed:

Click the Configuration button in the workflow editor and select a Linked Account under Prerequisites for the workflow.

If the Linked Account is not authenticated with the integration or if its authentication has expired, a warning will appear.

Click the Authorize Application button to reauthenticate or establish a connection with the integration.

Once authentication is complete, a Connected status will be displayed.

Click Next to proceed.

Enter a payload with data to be used during workflow testing. A sample payload will automatically load based on the event trigger defined in the workflow. Modify the sample payload if necessary to suit your testing requirements.

After completing these steps, click the Save Configuration button.

Your workflow is now ready for testing.

Steps to test

Cobalt provides options for testing both ndividual nodes or the entire workflow.

Testing Node


Select Node

Click on the node you want to test.


Run Node

In the node, switch to Input/Output tab and click on Run Node button.

Testing for Group Node and Pagination is currently not supported.

Once the node executes successfully, a checkmark appears on the node, indicating it has been tested.

Testing Entire Workflow

Open the testing modal present at the bottom.

Click on Run Workflow button to perform a test execution and a Test Run log is generated with output of each node.

Since testing for Group nodes is not supported currently, you might not receive the logs of the group node.

Workflow Templating

In Cobalt workflows, you can use dynamic variables generated through Run Node test execution to seamlessly access data from previous nodes. This method allows you to incorporate tested node response data into subsequent nodes.

To learn more about how to do Templating in Cobalt, refer to the docs here.

Simply go to input field where you want to use variable within a node, select Nodes tab from the Insert Variable modal, choose the node whose response you want to access and select the field from that node response.

In this example, we used the id received in the response when project was created and it’s visible as in the field which is of the format <node_number>.<response_field>.

This streamlined approach of Workflow Testing ensures that your workflows perform as expected before deploying them in production.